
Herniated Disk

Soft disks are present between the vertebrae of the spine. Soft disks allow the spine to twist and bend. They absorb shocks. When damaged, the disk’s center can push through the disk wall. It’s called a herniated disk. This bulge presses against nerves in the spine.

  • A herniated disk can be caused by the normal wear and tear of aging.

  • Herniated disks are also caused by traumatic injury.

  • Lifting Heavy can cause disk herniation.

  • lumbar spine disk herniation is common.

  • Herniated Disk can cause pain, numbness, weakness and tingling. It generally affects the buttocks, legs or feet.

  • A herniation in the cervical spine can cause problems in your neck, shoulders, arms and hands.


  • Rest

  • Medications

  • Injections

  • Physical Therapy

  • Surgery

Alternative Names

  • Lumbar radiculopathy; Cervical radiculopathy; Herniated intervertebral disk; Prolapsed intervertebral disk; Slipped disk; Ruptured disk; Herniated nucleus pulposus: Low back pain – herniated disk; LBP – herniated disk; Sciatica – herniated disk; Herniated disk; Disc – herniated


  • U.S. National Library of Medicine. Herniated disk.

(https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/000442.htm) Accessed 12/27/2022.

For informational purposes only. Consult your medical authority professional for advice.